Research with People in Mind
In the area of research and development, PFI cooperates with universities, research institutes, and companies. We are also very active in the field of publicly funded research programmes. We report on
our research results on the following pages. Please click on the research area of interest for individual reports (German only).

Zuse Community:
The Zuse Community represents the interests of independent, privately organized research institutions. More than 70 institutes nationwide belong to this association, which is open to technology and industry. As practical and creative idea generators for German SMEs, they translate scientific findings into applicable technologies and thus prepare the ground for innovations that make German SMEs successful worldwide.

German Federation of Industrial Research (AiF):
The goal of the German Federation of Industrial Research is to sustainably promote the innovative capacity of Germany’s small and medium-sized enterprises. AiF provides a platform for efficient and effective alliances between business and science: 100 research associations; approx. 50,000 businesses as members; about 1,200 associated institutes from all areas of research. PFI is both research association and research institute.
Die im November 2018 gegründete AiF-Forschungsallianz Medizintechnik (FAM) hat zum Ziel, die potenzialreichen Synergien seiner Forschungsvereinigungen für die Innovationsschöpfung im medizintechnischen Bereich zu heben sowie die Sichtbarkeit der IGF-geförderten Forschung zu erhöhen. Mehr...

Industrial Collective Research (IGF):
IGF provides a transfer-promoting cooperation platform for SMEs: industry-led selection of project ideas and their quality assessment. The results are freely available to all companies. The range of topics addressed in the projects cover all future-oriented technologies relevant to SMEs: from materials research via biotechnology to Industry 4.0 and digitisation. More...

Central Innovation Programme SME (ZIM):
ZIM is a nationwide funding program for SMEs and partner research establishments in all sectors of industry and technology. The aim of ZIM is to sustainably increase the innovative capacity and competitiveness of SMEs including craft businesses and independent professions. ZIM funds individual R&D projects, cooperation R&D projects, and cooperative network projects. More...

The IraSME Network supports ZIM cooperation projects with international partners. AiF Projekt GmbH coordinates the IraSME Network with financial means from the Federal German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. More...

CORNET – Collective Research Networking
In order to promote internationalisation, the CORNET funding variant supports transnational research projects pursued jointly with at least one foreign research organisation and in which all the results are available to all enterprises under the same conditions. AiF coordinates CORNET with financial means from the Federal German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. More...

On behalf of the German Federal Government, EuroNorm supports medium-sized companies and research institutions in carrying out their research and development projects. EuroNorm also conducts studies and evaluations for public and private organizations.

INNO-KOM Programme:
The INNO-KOM programme is open to non-profit research organisations engaged in all areas of technology in all of Germany’s less-favoured regions. The industrial research organisations eligible for funding by the programme have the necessary personnel and equipment to perform sophisticated technical and scientific investigations. They transfer their fundamental research and development results to companies and are initiators and moderators of regional and supraregional networks. The main beneficiaries of the research results from these organisations are the SMEs which dominate the economy in less-favoured regions. More...

Project Management Jülich (PtJ)
Project Management Jülich (PtJ) implements research and innovation promotion programs on behalf of the German Federal and State Ministries as well as the European Commission. In addition to supervising research projects, the project management organization advises its clients and further develops funding concepts with them. In addition, it contributes to the dissemination of specialist information to the public and to the organization of national and international exchange of scientific information.

Bioeconomy International
Global endeavours for a biobased economy. With its “Bioeconomy International” funding programme the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports model international research and development projects between German partners and partners outside Europe. The funded projects are expected to provide significant contributions to one of the five fields of action of the research strategy: securing global nutrition, ensuring sustainable agricultural production, producing safe and healthy food, using renewable resources for industry or developing biomass-based energy. More...

Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR):
The agency’s programme promotes the development of innovative, internationally competitive biobased products as well as processes and technologies for their production on the one hand, and the development of concepts for improving the sustainability of the biobased economy on the other. The funding programme supports research programmes in the following areas: sustainable production and supply of renewable resources; upgrading and processing of raw materials and residual materials; biobased products and biofuels.

Renewable Raw Materials
The funding programme "Renewable raw materials" provides the framework for the promotion of research, development and demonstration projects for renewable raw materials by the Federal Ministry of food and Agriculture (BMEL). The funding programme "Renewable raw materials" is to support the development of sustainable bio-economy and open up new opportunities and perspectives for the industrial location Germany and the development of rural areas. More...