A Review of a Brilliant Career: The PFI bids farewell to Dr. Monika Richter as she enters a well-deserved retirement.

The Test and Research Institute Pirmasens recently bid farewell to Dr. Monika Richter, the deputy head of the Certification Body, in her well-deserved retirement. With an impressive career lasting over three decades, Dr. Richter has made significant contributions to the development and success of the Institute.
Dr. Richter has been working with the Test and Research Institute Pirmasens since 1992 and has taken on responsible tasks from the very beginning. She began her career at the institute by applying and managing research projects, which reflects her passion for innovative solutions and continuous improvement of the industry.
In 2000, Dr. Richter was hired as an auditor at PFI, where she brought her extensive experience and expertise in quality and management system certification. In parallel, she continued to lead research projects that provided the Institute with new knowledge and technologies.
One outstanding project in her research career had a significant impact on the footwear industry. In the course of the research, a nationwide foot measuring campaign was launched in which the measurements of adult feet were recorded. This database was used by numerous shoe manufacturers to make adjustments to their lasts to improve the quality and fit of their shoes.
When she took over as Deputy Head of the Certification Body, she also assumed the position of Management Representative for all areas of certification at the same time. This led to Dr. Richter traveling not only nationally, but also internationally. Among other things, she conducted training courses in China on behalf of the PFI and carried out certifications throughout Europe. But also through the position as chairwoman in the DIN standardization committee for footwear, Dr. Richter was on the road all over the world and played a major role in the development of internationally recognized standards in ISO/TC 137.
Dr. Richter's career has ensured that she has countless stories to tell her grandchildren in her retirement and she looks back on a time full of exciting adventures and diverse encounters. She was able to meet many different people, with many different cultures in many different countries and plans to continue her passion for travel in retirement. She would like to continue traveling the world with her husband and spend more time with her family.
Looking back, Dr. Richter counts the worldwide work and the resulting contact with new personalities and their cultures as the highlight of her career. She emphasizes that despite the geographical distance due to her residence in the Erzgebirge and her extensive travel activities, she always felt at home in the PFI building in Pirmasens and never felt unfamiliar. She emphasized how much she appreciated the close cooperation with her colleagues at the PFI, how good her relationship with them was and that she would like to continue to be available to them for queries in her retirement. These words testify to the warm working atmosphere and strong collegial bond she experienced during her many years at the Institute.
Dr. Schulte and the entire Test and Research Institute Pirmasens are deeply grateful to Dr. Richter for her decades of dedication, expertise and significant contributions to the development of the Institute and the industry.
We wish her a fulfilling retirement and hope that she will fully enjoy the time she has earned for herself and her loved ones!

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